• 757-715-0503
  • Hampton, VA, 23666
  • info@bon-care.com

Tag: Maintenance

Browsing Tag:Maintenance

How Often Should Upholstery Be Cleaned?

Think about the things that you use around your home every day. Not things like your computer or phone, but things like your floor or the furniture that you sit on. How often do you clean these things? How does that frequency compare with the number of times you would, say, replace an air filter or take a shower? With upholstery, you should be thinking in much the same way. Most people buy furniture and let the fabric on that…

Sand, Tidewater, and Your Carpet in Southeastern VA

Around 79% of all of the soil that builds up in carpets is a combination of sand and dry particulates. In the tidewater area of Southeastern Virginia (Hampton, Newport News, Yorktown, Norfolk, Virginia Beach, and the surrounding areas), this percentage leans even further toward a sandy consistency, due in no small part to the high concentration of sand in the soil and beaches nearby. What people don’t think about, however, is how much damage sand can do to a carpet.…

How Often Should I Vacuum My Carpet?

Why Vacuuming is Important Vacuuming, unfortunately, is usually seen as a chore. It is something that we do because we either have to or because our carpet has become dirty with all that nasty stuff that is being tracked in from the front porch. So the question is: Why is it actually important? This question, also unfortunately, is often overlooked by many people. When asked, they flounder about trying to find an answer to the question. Usually the result is:…

High-Traffic Areas and Carpet Health

What Is a High Traffic Area? A high traffic area on a carpet is an area that sees much more use than the rest of the carpet. Think about areas that you utilize in your home. The pathways leading to those areas are very likely going to be the high traffic areas of your carpet. This could include entryways, stairs, hallways, and areas around furniture that is used often. Anywhere on the floor that sees a lot of foot traffic…

Avoiding Bait and Switch Carpet Cleaners

What Are Bait and Switch Carpet Cleaners? We have all seen them. There you are, driving down the street and you pull up to a stoplight and see a cardboard sign that offers a whole house cleaning for $50. You think to yourself: “That is too good to be true.” The truth of the matter is, you are correct. Most of the companies that you see offering deals like that are too good to be true. Bait and switch is…